Mildura’s Easter power Sport Weekend
The Mildura Motorcycle Club will host the 2017 King of the Murray Arena X Saturday April 15
With big prize money and trophies on offer this year the King of the Murray is going to be a cracking weekend for Motocross riders and fans alike.The program for the weekend –
Good Friday morning Show and Shine in the city heart Mall from 8am to 1pm
Saturday night from 6pm to 10pm Arena X action under lights
Sunday Morning from 11am free practice for the riders who wish to get some extra track time and coaching.
The club has Free camping facilities at the track with showers and toilet facilities open all weekend.
If you wish to enter please get you entry in ASAP to secure your spot on the grid.
For information on the King of the Murray arena X
Contact Gavin Sedgmen on 0448 252015